Creating a DRIVEN Sales Team w/Rahim === [00:00:00] we're jumping into driver performance. I want you guys all to imagine that you have. A sales team already. I don't care if it's one or two people, you already have a sales team. So put on, I already have a sales team hat. If you don't, if you already have one, this is gonna be perfect for you as we're going through this process. [00:00:11] So let's jump in, let's get started. Um, so what does it mean to drive performance? Why most sales teams are ineffective? Strategy versus tactic. Nine ways to drive performance. And then we'll have a q and a afterwards. I'm going to go a little fast because I only have an hour for this and we have to start phase one of building your sales team in real time. [00:00:29] So I hope you guys got a laptop or a tablet 'cause we're literally gonna do this today. You like, you think I'm like a magician or something, but I'm not. Alright, so let's jump into it now. So what does it mean? So driving, driving sales performance means taking, um, proactive measures to improve and optimize the effectiveness of sales operations and the achievement of sales goals. [00:00:46] You're gonna hear me a lot, talk about perspective. Perspective is so key not only in driving your team and the effectiveness, but knowing what your job is. A lot of, uh, if you guys ever read the E-Myth by Michael e Gerber, man, a lot of entrepreneurs are kind of tucking that same technician role where I'm really good at the technical aspect of what I do, but I'm not good at running the business. [00:01:02] Business. And so you have to really change your perspective from working in your business to working on your business. And if you're working on your business, then you know where you're trying to go, you know what you're trying to accomplish. That's always the forefront of what you guys are doing. And so when I, when we work with teams and we work with organizations every single time, you know, we talk about, you know, bottlenecks. [00:01:18] The bottlenecks are always the entrepreneur. They're stuck in their business. And so when you guys are trying to think about how do I build a sales team? How do I get people more effective? Remove yourself. Imagine a world where you're no longer the, the cog, you're no longer the primary piece. And I'll give you the insights as to how to think. [00:01:33] Alright, so let's jump in, let's get started. So this is why most sales teams are ineffective. They lack clear goals. Again, most of the time it's 'cause they're stuck in their business, right? They're stuck in it, they can't see where they're trying to go. Um, inadequate training, man. This is major, this is big. [00:01:49] Most of the organizations that we work with, they don't even have an onboarding process for their salespeople. You say onboarding, they say, well, yeah. What do you mean? I got 'em set with payroll. How I just zal 'em. Yeah, that's, yeah. So, um, poor communication. You gotta have a communication strategy, like how, and make sure these things are consistent. [00:02:09] Make sure they know, make sure they understand. Um, can you communic I can communicate, uh, with you via email, via slack, via text, whatever. It's, make sure that communication strategy is there. Um, a lot of times a person can feel uncomfortable. I mean, he's unavailable. I messaged him, he never messaged me back, or I messaged her, she never text me back. [00:02:24] Make sure that communication strategy is direct and so on point. Um, inefficient processes. Oh man, man, like when I read these off, I just go like these weird cringes because like, I remember this one guy was like, well, here's our training process and he handed me two pieces of paper. I'm so, this is not scalable, this is not scalable. [00:02:40] So you just hand these two pieces of paper to your new hires when they come on board. Like, this is bad. This is, what did they lose one? Right? So, um, inadequate sales tools. Right. Um, again, so how are you, what CRMs are you using? What dialer systems are you using? Um, a lot of this stuff may, for some of you guys seem like, I mean second nature, but for a lot of people, if you, if you are in the business and you're really, really good at what you do, this higher level structural enterprise level, you know, organizational things are just not things you think about. [00:03:10] And it's okay. Right? That's why we're here. We're gonna knock this stuff out the park. Um, high turnover. Yeah. We don't have turnover. We fire people. It's different. It's different. Big difference, right? People don't leave us. We leave them, right? And so I'm gonna show you guys how to get people to be so bought into what you're doing in your vision. [00:03:27] It's crazy. You're never gonna hire the same way again. It's cheating. It's cheating. And I'll give you guys a hint right now. You hire the same way you sell. It's literally the exact same thing. Your job posts is your ad, your interview is the sales conversation, right? And the close is them buying in to the vision of what you have and the expectations you have for your company. [00:03:50] Company. Yeah. No one interviews like this, you guys are scripts and everything. Um, not leveraging data, right? So, to Be's point, how do you know when you do it? Leverage the numbers. Don't guess. Don't make it up. Leverage the numbers. Uh, lack of motivation, bad, uh, commission or compensation plans. Not, not, don't have the ability to make any actual money. [00:04:09] Uh, so I'm not really motivated to do what's required. You got a guy working until two or three o'clock in the morning? Yeah. Because he can make $40,000 a month here. Very motivated. Very motivated, right? Um, weak leadership, I think it kind of just says it for itself. Right? And then ignoring customer feedback. [00:04:28] So I'm, I'm using the script that you give us, man. And people are saying they're agitated, they don't like what we're saying. Um, they feel like I'm pestering them, or I'm bo I'm bothering them. Listen to what their clients are saying. Modify and adjust according to the feedback your clients are giving. [00:04:40] Don't do well. Just keep dialing, man. Grant Cardone. Just keep doing it. No. Hey Grant, if you're watching this, it was a joke. It was a joke. Alright. It is not just keep dialing, it's listen to the feedback. What can we do to improve it? How can we make it more seamless? That interaction and that engagement, right? [00:04:55] So make sure those things connect. Let's talk about strategy versus tactic. Man, I've heard so many times people saying, Hey, I need help. Tell me what's working for you. What set of emails are you sending? What text messages are you setting? Here's the strategy. Here is the overall strategy for your SS D R team and for your AEs. [00:05:15] Connections lead to conversations. Conversations lead to consultations. Consultations lead to deals. That's the strategy. Now, how you do it, those are the tactics, but that has to be the mindset. That has to be the mindset. Again, connections lead to conversations. Conversations lead to consultations. [00:05:31] Consultations lead to deals. Now the strategy, the tactical aspect of it, connections can be done via email, via calls, via text message, via social, and there's 10,000 different ways you can do those things. Conversations, you have openers, you have transitions, you have confirmations. 10,000 different ways you can do those things. [00:05:48] But if I don't understand the, the goal of it, if I don't understand that the connection is designed to get this person on a call for a conversation, then I'm missing the entire strategy. I'm missing it. And that's why my process isn't working. If I don't understand that the conversation is designed to lead them to a consultation, then that's the reason why I'm missing the strategy. [00:06:05] And when we listen and we review a lot of your sales teams, they're trying to close deals on the connections. Hey, you wanna sign up for M D C on a cold email? No, doesn't work. Right? But they're like, yo, this email worked for Luke, or this email worked for Lael. Yeah, tactically. But you're missing the strategy and that's why it's not working, right. [00:06:23] Uh, consultations, posture, strategic questioning, offer objection, isolation. Man, we can, I could spend forever talking about consultations. Actually. I actually love consultations. But, um, that's the part and that's different, obviously, your deal.