Daily Mind Medicine Episode 72- You Get What You Pay For === [00:00:00] Hey, what's up, Cruz? Taylor Welch here. I want to give you a heads up on what you're about to listen to. Um, the team went through a lot of old content and they categorized and cataloged and organized based on the things that we felt were the most effective. And, uh, this is coming from a database of thousands of clients and people tell us what they've listened to. [00:00:46] We have all of the, you know, the, the data on the back end. And there are a couple different pieces of content, key pieces of content that we felt were linchpins to you achieving what you want to achieve and accomplish in life. Let's B Roll you. Listen to this podcast because you want to grow some of you want to grow your team You want to grow your income your business some of you just want more balance in your life You want a business that doesn't kill your family in the process of taking care of your family. [00:01:11] And so but this is a Episode that is a couple of years old, but it still holds true some things are timeless and this is one of those things the title of this is You get what you pay for. Listen to it. Listen to it again. It's very short and sweet, but I think it's effective. So I invite you to listen to it and let's rock and roll. [00:01:33] See ya. [00:01:33] What's up crew? How you doing? This will be a quick one. I just want to remind you today that you cannot have more. You cannot have more in your life without the requisite payments to get it. I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about the price of resistance. I'm talking about the price of uncertainty and unsettlement. [00:02:00] And, you know, it's funny to me that people will stand up, they'll beat their chest, and still proclaim to the world around them that, you know... I'm going to do more, be more, have more, serve more, I'm going to become something. And then it's almost like clockwork, like it's a system. It's almost to the point where it's a rule of law. [00:02:20] As soon as they proclaim that, they begin to experience resistance. Things that have not been bothersome for a long time begin to be bothersome again. Things that have hidden in the dark and have not made a ruckus in a long time, all of a sudden begin to come out of the closet. and cause problems and chaos and the moment you begin to set your face towards the direction you're supposed to go. [00:02:45] Let me tell you, the wind will kick up. The wind will begin to blow against you. This has happened to me a thousand times, a thousand times, so many times that I've come to expect it. You need to judge the cost of what you decide that you want to be. You need to not only judge the benefits of becoming great, but you need to also count the costs of becoming great. [00:03:06] This is why purpose is so important. This is why your reasons are so important. This is why it's so important not to just want to be rich, but to have a purpose attached to becoming a person of abundance and surplus. For me, anything in my life that I have gone after, ultimately I've gotten it, but it's come at the end of a journey. [00:03:28] Where I've been frankly beat up and pushed against and I've just come to expect it. Be careful when you say you want things, not because you shouldn't want things, [00:03:36] Hey, real quick, we'll get right back to this in just a second. But did you know that I still do these daily mind medicines every day? And it's one of the highest, most frequently requested things that our teams get is where did daily mind medicine go? Well, we have the good life. We have TWC talks, which you're listening to right now. [00:03:55] Uh, we have multiple different podcasts, but inside of our private portal called the arena, We still publish these daily audios designed to encourage, to challenge, to get you inspired. Sometimes to introduce you directly to the version of yourself that you must be in, have to learn how to be, to hit your targets and goals. [00:04:18] You can read more about this. If you would like taylorawelch. com slash arena. You can also get more information at wealthyconsulted. com. Both of these different businesses designed and exist expressly to help you grow and achieve whatever you want to achieve. Let me get back to the show. Now the risk of opportunity. [00:04:39] Enjoy this. See you later. [00:04:41] but because when you go out and you reach out and you begin to create them or take them, life will come against you and you've got to resist and sustain yourself through the downs so that you can experience the ups. [00:04:52] Not the most encouraging episode for you today, but some of you need to hear this. Some of you need to know that, man, what you're reaching for is very hard and it's very difficult. I see you. I understand what it's like to be there. Oh, but if you can get to the end, it's worth it. If you can get to the end, you'll look back and you'll thank God that you were able to make it through, that you were able to not dip out of the price that was to be paid. [00:05:16] Don't dip out. You said you wanted it. Recommit, recommit, put it all on the line again. There's going to come a day when what you're going through right now is history and you can look back at it. You can teach about it from a place of confidence and courage, knowing that you were able to make it through. [00:05:33] It's all I got for you today. Don't give up. Enjoy. Your day. Enjoy your season. Fight through.