Your Choices Matter === [00:00:00] What's up, crew? Taylor Welch here, and I just want to give you a heads up about what you're about to listen to. The team had, uh, the mandate to go back and look at all old content, categorize and catalog everything. We've got thousands and thousands of hours of material. We've been doing this a long time. [00:00:43] Uh, but the new stuff, which is obviously performing amazing, and I hope that you're enjoying it, and I'm thankful that you're here. Uh, it was probably 10 to 15 hours a week of, of content coming out of our offices now. But, um, when, when the team said, look, we have this, you know, basically hundreds of gigabytes of old stuff. [00:01:01] So let's go through it and let's see what's good and what's irrelevant now. And so they found a couple of different pieces of content that we're going to be re syndicating throughout the channels. If you want to know what is... What some of the linchpins and why I was able to grow the way that I grew what our business growth the past decade, the thousands of clients that have come through and gotten significant results. [00:01:21] There are several key linchpins and they all take place in the mind, their philosophies, their ways of thinking, schools of thought, and I want to share them with you because This is more effective now than it's ever been. And so this is an old episode is titled your choices matter. It's a little bit intense. [00:01:39] However, when you take personal responsibility for your choices, it changes the decisions you make on a day to day basis. So I really believe that if you listen to this and listen to it again and really internalize it, it'll change the trajectory of your future. Enjoy. [00:01:54] Hey, let me tell you a problem that I have to solve for closers all the freaking time. I don't know what it is that you do. You, uh, whether, you know, you're an entrepreneur, you're in your business, you work for another firm, whether you are a salesperson, marketer, copywriter, singer, dancer, whatever it is, here is The reality of life you are in Control now everybody wants to like balk at that and scoff at that because everybody wants to justify Where they're stuck they want to basically Disattach their own responsibility for where they are, but you can't do that If you want to grow you are in control of almost everything in your life. [00:02:42] Oh, but Taylor, what about people who? Look, can we just put this to bed once and for all? Most of the people who are eating food from a trash can and who are drinking muddy water, they're not, they don't have a phone, they're not listening to this podcast. So, stop using the weak people to justify where you are in life. [00:03:04] It's disappointing. [00:03:05] It is a disgrace for you to use those people's lives to justify your own shit. So stop it. Don't justify how you don't have control in your life because somebody else truly was born with nothing. [00:03:17] It's Disgusting. All right. Sorry about that rant. Just I get that all the time and I'm tired of dealing with it You're in control of almost everything that happens to you in your life Take a closer on my team for instance, and this guy is pretty good [00:03:32] twenty twenty five thousand dollars a month in income Uh, that's his commissions. [00:03:37] He's a champion. I see how he can get up into the 40, 000 plus per month range. And I'm trying to teach him. Look dude, when you have a week where you only close 4 or 5 people, it has nothing to do with the market. It has everything to do with you. And it's like he can't wrap his head around it. He can't believe it. [00:03:52] The same thing happens with clientele. When they start going into a funk or going into a rut. And they think that the economy has changed and money's dried up. And, you know, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. I've done as good as I'm ever going to do. And they begin allowing these thoughts and confusion and complications coming into their minds. [00:04:11] But my friend, everything that you have is under your domain. You have dominion and power and control over your direction in life. It does not matter whether you feel like the economy is good, bad, or in between. It doesn't matter whether people agree with you or disagree with you. You have so much control. [00:04:33] Unmitigated control over your direction in life as a human being. So, you back up and you look at this and you're like, Well, Taylor, if that's true, if that's true, why are good people struggling? Why are good people in places that they don't want to be? Well, if you're honest with yourself and you look back linearly over the timeline of a person's life, you will begin to see choices that they made that do not reflect Their true potential. [00:05:00] Hey, real quick, we'll get right back to this in just a second. But did you know that I still do these daily mind medicines every day? And it's one of the highest, most frequently requested things that our teams get is where did daily mind medicine go? Well, we have the good life. We have TWC talks, which you're listening to right now. [00:05:19] Uh, we have multiple different podcasts, but inside of our private portal called the arena, We still publish these daily audios designed to encourage, to challenge, to get you inspired. Sometimes to introduce you directly to the version of yourself that you must be in, have to learn how to be, to hit your targets and goals. [00:05:41] You can read more about this. If you would like taylorawelch. com slash arena. You can also get more information at wealthyconsulted. com. Both of these different businesses designed and exist expressly to help you grow and achieve whatever you want to achieve. Let me get back to the show. Now the risk of opportunity. [00:06:02] Enjoy this. See you later. [00:06:04] You will begin to find even in your own life, small shortcuts, cutting corners here, cutting corners, they're small. I heard a man say one time, the difference between the people at the top and the people at the bottom is not the big sweeping moves in their life. It's their small. They're small choices. [00:06:25] They're small habits. They're small routines. And if you're honest with yourself, you'll look back over your life and you'll begin to find points in your history where There was a small distinction here that was not made. You made a different decision than I made. There's a small choice here that may not have seemed like a big deal there, but it was a small choice that you made, and I made a different choice. [00:06:45] There was a small decision you made there to go out instead of going home, to not do this work instead of doing the work. Whatever it is, no matter if it's in the area of finance, marriage, children, business, relationships, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Everything we have. Like a recipe from start to finish is a final byproduct of our choices. [00:07:11] And most of those choices are little, most of those choices are insignificant. Most of those choices. are small. You got to learn how to master the small decisions, the small distinctions, the small choices, because they add up to big sweeping tidal waves in your life. Whatever you're doing today, make the little things count because every big thing sits on top of a foundation of little things. [00:07:34] You got to nail it. You got to nail it. Let's rock and roll. See ya. [00:07:38]