People won't always remember what you say, but they'll always remember how you make them feel. I want to make sure when I speak to someone that I make them feel something by how I communicate the amount of calls that I've reviewed. And it's like, everything you're saying is great, but the prospect hates you because you've never, it looks like you've never smiled a day in your life. I remember he used to say a long time ago, he would say, Peyton being able to smile when you talk sometimes is more valuable than a college degree. What if you could build a business in the modern world as big or as small as you want without having to compromise the things that were the most important to you in the very beginning? This is the wealthy consultant talks podcast with Taylor Welch and Mike Walker, and they share with you today. They're learning lessons from stories in their experiences over the years. The past 10 to 15 years and share with you right here, right now, let's get into it. What is going on my friends, Mike Walker here, excited to have you with us on another episode of the wealthy consultant podcast. I've got a good friend, a buddy, an alliance, a powerhouse in the world of sales. Mr. Peyton Welch. How are you, sir? Man, I'm amazing. I mean, what an intro I'm going to, I've got to do something, man. You're probably, well, I know you're worthy of more than that, but, uh, for brevity here, I'll keep it at that as sales pro, but, um, you and I've had the opportunity to jam quite a bit in terms of. You know, uh, all things sales performance and whatnot. And obviously you are, um, highly sought after. In fact, uh, one of the cool features, uh, if you guys, if you listeners don't know, um, we actually pull Payton into launch kit and chamber once a week. We have a call dedicated just for him called the sales clinics where our clients are able to tap this guy's brain. So if you like anything about what we talked about today, then you definitely need to learn more about what we do over at the wealthy consultant, because if you are A subject matter expert or somebody that needs to move more units, more revenue in a business, then this is the guy that you definitely want to talk to. And that's exactly what we're jamming on today is sales performance, tactics, strategies, all things good, all things about money. Um, Peyton on that topic, bro, like, like I just said, you are in, uh, with our clients every single Tuesday. What in your opinion is kind of the dominant interest as you see clients come through and asking questions? What do you get tapped for the most? So I get tapped for a lot of different things, but what they all a lot of times come down to is like. Well, how do, how do I just know the right thing to say? You know? Like I, I remember being on back-to-back sales calls and one person wouldn't close and I thought they could have, and I was just like, man, if I just knew the perfect thing to say to this person, I would've definitely moved them over the line. Like, you, you, I know you've, anyone that's ever taken a sales call has felt that before. Like, man I'd before you got the line, you're like, oh, if only I'd said this. Right? Yes. . Yeah. It's like the hindsight's always 2020, but I'm like, man, if I had a superpower where it's like. I'm talking to Mike. I know exactly what to say to Mike to get him across the line or whatever. Like, how do you know the right things to say? That's what a lot of the questions that I get asked start ending up, they end up, the trail ends up boiling down to basically that topic. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. And so I think, I think one of the things that I've been sharing with a lot of people in terms of like, well, how do you know the right thing to say? You have to understand intent. You have to know what they're, you have to know the intent first. So it's like, well, the right thing to say to person a might be completely different to say to person B, well, how do I tell the difference? We do this a lot through something called temp checks, right? We all know what temp checks are, but, and especially in our space, temp checks have turned a little bit more into like, well, on a scale of one to 10. You know, how are you feeling about X? Oh, yeah, right, right. Like where are you at? Right. But that's just like that's like one tiny slice of the pie. I'm I'm getting temp checks from you right now because I'm based on your tonality based on your body language and when you smile or if you've ever made a joke and no one laughs in your humility, like bad temp check. That happens a lot, dude. What are you saying? Yeah, it tells me this joke. This joke didn't work with this crowd, you know, like what all of that stuff. So it's like, The, the, the temp checks that you can get, if you understand how temp checks truly work a temp check, the whole basis of a temp check is basically to be able to read someone's intent. Right. And so if you are, if you are skilled at reading temp checks, again, this is more than just scale of one to 10 for you. That will lead you to, okay, what is their intent, which can give me more of a scale and appropriate guideline for like, okay, what, what can I say? To get them to a better temp and then the next one and the next one. Does that make sense? Totally. Totally. Yeah. So they don't have like I'm flying 10 right now. It's like, okay, if you get a three or four, you're like, all right, but you just use that as a metric to know what direction you got to take the conversation. Yeah, and that was that that's an example of again for like the most classic scale of 1 to 10, you know, or whatever, but I mean, even I was reviewing a call earlier today. And, um, and the salesperson was asking, like, do you see how this solves X, Y, and Z that you told me about earlier? And they were like, uh, I think so. And then they just moved on. And I was like, man, yeah, yeah, yeah. Read, read the, this isn't that was that question wasn't necessarily just to get a temp check, but it gives you a temp check when I asked my wife to marry me. She didn't say, uh, I think so. Right. Right. That would be crazy. No, she was like, hallelujah. Thank you. No, that's not really what she did, but she, you know, in your mind, that's what happened. Exactly. Exactly. And so it's, it's, it's what someone says, but not just that alone, because again, yeah. When you ask your wife to marry you, she probably wasn't like, yes, right word, wrong way to say it. Something, something's a little, whatever. So being able to read the different levels of communication, not just what they say, but also their tonality, the body language, right? How much someone. Doesn't say something, how someone's silent about a certain topic or whatever. And when you get really good at this, you can adopt almost this intent based sales process where you can continually nudge someone in the direction that they need to go based on the deficits that you're seeing or whatever. And this, this can get a little confusing because then it creates almost like this giant decision tree where it's like, well, if I. You know, don't get this temp here that, and you don't need to confuse it to that level. But one big thing that I've been seeing a lot is like, okay, let's review the game tape for this question you have of like, well, what should I say? If someone says this, and then when we review the game tape, it's like, oh, it's obvious. Like, are you, are you watching the same thing I'm watching? You got an answer, you didn't get a response, or they said the right thing, they said it the right way or the wrong way, or maybe their body language is saying one thing, but their words are seeing another. And if you can, if you can read the intent, if you can read the temp checks, well, then you have a way better chance of knowing, like, we can just isolate, like, this is, this is something that's going to move the deal for this is something that's going to move this person a step further. Does that make sense? Yeah, 100%. And I want to kind of, um, highlight a word that you used. I think people miss, they don't miss it subconsciously, but they do miss it, miss it consciously, which is body language. You know, now all our calls, I mean, for most people, a lot of people say is these calls are being on. Held on zoom or or some kind of video format. Right. And so we have the a whole nother spectrum of, you know, information data. You'll say visual data coming at us that we can use to decipher and read between the lines that you wouldn't normally get just, you know, literally over the phone. How. How have you seen that? In fact, you obviously train a lot of salespeople. So are there still a bunch of people just hammering the phones? I've got to believe there are. And then how does your training insights handle for that dynamic where they can't see the person and those that can when they're, you know, video calling? Uh, I'd be interested to know the dichotomy between those two mediums. Um, I mean, being able, being able to see someone like what we're doing right now is a game changer. Um, and it just like sales has just gotten so much better with technology. I mean, you remember too, like back in the day with sales, like we didn't have auto dialer, you had to hold the phone up and dial everything by hand and go crunch through. And now you could just basically import a list and it's, it's amazing. But being able to do things over zoom or Google meet or what we're doing right now, it's, it allows you to play 3d chess. So it's just, it's an extra tool at your disposal, right? And there are still a lot of people that are just doing things over the phone, or maybe the BDRs, SDRs, or doing phone calls. And then an actual full sales call consult, whatever would be over zoom. Uh, I always love, I, at first I didn't like doing zoom calls because it's more effort, like what I'm, what I'm doing right now, if we weren't doing video, I would probably just be like. You know, playing putt putt over in the side room, my office, cause I can relax and do whatever, but in the end, it's like, if the, if the goal is to be able to help someone make the best decision for them, which typically means converting into a paying client, well, then I want to be able to use all the tools at my disposal and being able to have video on where I can read the body language. If someone starts out the call with great body language, like I'm doing right now, moving my hands around and I talk with my eyebrows a lot, which my wife makes fun of me because it's giving me these wrinkles because my eyebrows are always up. Um, I hear it all the time to you, but that's why I just don't smile anymore. You know, it's supposed to be good. I just keep my eyebrows down. Yeah. Um, if someone, if someone at the beginning of the call is very like, uh, animated with their hands and then at some point or whatever, they're just very rigid, like a, like a stone statue or whatever you should check on. Like there's a potential that we've lost them a little bit. Yeah, exactly. And so being able to spot those signs. Right. And then being able to confirm with the temp check questions or whatever, read again, the tonality, the answer or whatever, we'll let you know, because sometimes we assume things. Sometimes I assume like, oh, I've lost this person and I get a temp check. And it's like, oh no, they're, they're fine. They just need caffeine or they, this is their seventh meeting and they're just getting a little tired. It's like, we're still good, you know, but sometimes if there is a problem, you need to know about it, you know, and being able to pay attention to, like you said, with the, with the camera and the video and being able to read the body language, it does make a big difference. It's a great tool to use. No doubt. No doubt. One thing to kind of another layer of that another dimension of the visual cues is like their background and what's going on in their world that, you know, you can see like if I see open closet and clothes all over the place and stuff, I'm instantly thinking like. This person's not very aware of the fact I'm literally looking at the, at their room that looks like just total shit, you know, or if someone's just very positioned, you can tell, oh, wow, they've got their lighting set up, right? They know they understand the dynamics of what's going on. They're trying to show up in the best way. They're not just like a silhouette because they're standing in front of the sun, whatever. Like to me, I'm pulling off all these different things that kind of allows me to rate where does this person that in terms of their sophistication and these types of communications. What, uh, what insights do you have on that? Is it pertains specifically to sales? Like you see correlation between those that are presenting better on camera and those that are not, or does that, is that a dynamic that doesn't necessarily directly translate to better or more sales? Yeah, good question. So this is actually, I don't know if you've actually seen this. One of the, one of the trainings for the. TWC sales team is, uh, one I recorded called zoom etiquette, and it's all about what you just mentioned. And so that's not something that I would, I, I would necessarily say is like a mountain or a major in terms of like the prospect I'm seeing, but from, for me, it does as the, as a sales rep, it definitely is so, uh, decent lighting. You don't have to wear a suit. And tie or anything crazy like that. But like, don't wear a flat bill hat, like fix your hair, trim your beard. Don't look like you're a civil war vet or whatever, like clean up a little bit, you know, camera at like eye level or a little bit higher. No one wants to see the triple chin because you're like looking down at like, you know what I mean? So it's like, those things do really matter. Because here's the thing. It's like. It's not the necessarily the end all be all like I can have great zoom etiquette, but I have no idea what I'm doing in sales. You're not going to close anything at the same time, especially if I happen to get on the phone with on a call with a prospect that maybe has a little bit more of a corporate background, a little bit more of like that executive style background. The last reason to lose a sale in my mind is like just because I didn't look. Presentable and professional at the bare minimum, right? Because that would be a silly reason to lose trust. If this is something where I could actually solve someone's problem, I don't want, uh, my lack of zoom etiquette to cost me a deal. That's crazy. And I see that a lot, actually, nowadays, especially with the whole, um, you know, when COVID happened, everyone's working from home. A lot of sales reps, even in this industry, 10 99, they're taking calls from home or whatnot. It's like, man, yeah. Fix it. If you have to take a call from your bedroom and your bed is in the background, fix the fucking bed. Pardon my French. Fix it. Like bare minimum. I was literally on a call, um, with a software company that was doing some research on as, as a potential vendor for us and the discovery call, you know, the 15 minute call prior, uh, in advance of anything deeper, um, this guy picks up, you know, the line and we're, we're on, and I'm looking at his house, you know, his hair's kind of disheveled at the background. Like I'm looking at, he's obviously somewhere in his like living room, it looks like, and it's just looks all kind of disheveled and, and same thing. Like. Sure. I'm, I'm interested in the software, so it didn't kill the deal, but damn dude, like I'm thinking, bro, you are my first impression. You you've just come off real bad right now, you know, and, um, but it's a crazy reason to lose any kind of like relational equity leadership authority on a call. Like, right, man, it's so simple, but it can make a big difference. Yeah, for sure. For sure. So, um, all right. So the video component is obviously big, um, body language, all those things. Um, what other kind of dynamics, what would you say is the biggest thing holding people back? You know, the clients that are coming to you on these sales clinic calls, do you see something that is typically a huge unlock for people beyond just knowing what to say, but is there any other element that they come back the next week, for example, be like, Oh my God, like that was. That was the game changer. Or are we talking? It's tons of different things for tons of different people. Well, I mean, there's, if we're talking, if we're talking about Yes, there is. Here's, here's the, the most common thing. I think that is just like such an easy change to make and unlock little keys, open big doors sometimes. And this is one of those little keys that continuously that was, that was pastor Peyton coming out from back in the day, right there. Little keys open up big doors. Pastor Brian Larson. Hi, shout out. I remember you saying that a long time ago. Um, the, the people won't always remember what you say, but they'll always remember how you make them. Yeah. You feel exactly. And so even the things that we just talked about right here around, like the things that I will read in someone else to get a temp check. Those are things that are interpersonal skills that we use as well to make someone feel something. And yeah, in the end, like, can I solve this person's problem? Do they have certainty that the solution very important, but at the same time, just like you even mentioned, just seeing someone's disheveled background and their call, it does reduce a little bit of the, Ooh, like. Is this person really professional or whatever that's they're feeling a certain way based on what they're seeing. I want to make sure when I speak to someone that I make them feel something by how I communicate. Right. And so a lot of the, the, a lot of the big aha is like, Oh, this was so simple to implement, but it made such a big difference would be exactly actually what we're talking about, but in reverse. So instead of reading it on the prospect, are you using efficient? Tonality D is your cadence appropriate is are you using body language or does it look like your hands are tied to your side and it's like, what can you smile when you talk the amount of calls that I've reviewed and it's like everything you're saying is great, but the prospect hates you because you've never, it looks like you've never smiled a day in your life. Like how do people not know this? And again, the, you know, when, when I was growing up, it was so funny, you know, my father and, you know, being, being in the corporate world and in sales and, you know, all saying all this stuff. I remember when at a very young age, he was even taking us through these little. These exercises like at home workshops where you would teach us how to shake someone's hand. Yeah, man, he would teach us learn how to shake a hand. He would teach us he I remember he used to say a long time ago he would say Peyton being able to smile when you talk sometimes is more valuable than a college degree. And I stuck with me forever and it's like, man, yeah, if, if you can just like these little basic interpersonal skills, and nowadays you have a generation that's been growing up on zoom and they, you know, especially with COVID and it's like you were locked in for three years and they, you don't get as many of these times to exercise interpersonal skills with other people, but that comes through on zoom too. And so. Being able to, uh, have the influx of your voice, bring up the temperature, so to speak of a conversation with my tone, or when I'm talking about something serious and my cadence slows down and my tone also comes down. With it, like those little things can make a big difference in terms of the power punch that what you say, if I say something and it's important, I want it to land. I want it to have sticking power the way that we have that sticking power is by making them feel something along with what you're actually saying, right? Yeah, I don't remember anything from from college. I don't remember any of my classes. I don't remember any of the, you know, the, the lectures that we got, but I remember when I had to speak in front of the class. I remember when I had to share with the group and we just, even with the speaker training, you know, Keith Yackey was talking about this too. It's like that creates the, the, the feeling of it creates a little bit of that retention, that sticking power. I want to do that the same thing on sales calls. The last thing that I want to do is say something that's going to like really change something for this person. It's very useful, but then it becomes useless because I didn't communicate it in a way where they would retain what I actually said. You know what I mean? Yeah, we're really stuck and landed. Yeah, no, I totally get that man. Absolutely. No, that's fantastic. Um, the, the concepts that you teach and the ability for, for people to connect, right? I mean, the business of business is relationships. So developing that. That no light trust factor that we always talk about in the marketing side of things, and then bringing it onto a phone or video call, um, I feel like the, the ability to convert. Is it just a numbers game? Do you just see that? Hey, you just got to keep doing the reps or are there tactical things that people can do? To speed up the process of getting better, like when you work with a client, I don't want you to, you know, unpack all your bag of tricks, but what would be one or two actual things that someone could do today, right now, today, after this, you know, watching this video or listening to us that they could go and implement that will, you know, measurably make them better and more efficient when it comes to the sales side of things. Well, I think the, the, to answer that question with like something that is curated and specific, you first, uh, You, if you're listening to this and you're like, Oh yeah, I want to take away, that's going to make my, you first need to know what your deficit is to get to, to get to any destination. If I pull up my, my maps app right now, I just open up the app. What's the first thing that pops up my location. You have to know where you're starting from right now. It's great. Everyone likes talking about vision and goals and that's the most fun part of the sales call for anyone because it's easy to talk about. That's great to have the destination. You got to know where your starting point is right now. So if your deficit is maybe on those interpersonal side, it's like, well, I just, my, my voice is just typically monotone, you know, or, or, well, I typically talk this way or whatever, then. Yeah. Some actionable things that you can do, both maybe on sales calls, off sales calls would be to practice the, your, your tonality practice, uh, smiling when you talk, practice, uh, your cadence and whatnot. And you can do that outside of sales calls too. And I tell a lot of sales reps this as well, like if that's your deficit, yeah, let's try to be more intentional on calls to do that. But when you're off calls to next time you go on date night. You have a secret mission. I'm gonna, I'm gonna try to bring some energy with my voice or when you're at, when you're at, uh, getting a beer with the boys or you're, you're at a lunch meeting or you go to church, you can practice these interpersonal things as well. And what that does is that condenses your, your, your training time to be able to get what you want from here to here because you get more reps. Does that make sense? Yeah. Bring it into real life, right? Exactly. Now, if, if someone's listening to this and they're like, no, I, I'm the life of a party when I'm, when I'm communicating with people, uh, one hats off to you. That's great. If it's more of the, the tactical side of things, right? Maybe it's like being able to ask, uh, questions that will take someone a little bit deeper, right? I want to go, I want to be able, I don't want to just settle for the symptom that a prospect tells me, well, I need more leads. Well, we got the problem. Let's move on. Well, no, no, no. Like if you want to be able to go deeper into that topic, right? Well, What's what's causing you to not have the leads that you need right now, you know, where's that? What have you tried to do to fix it if you want to get better at that again? Let's be intentional about asking those why questions, right? It's not if I go to the doctor's office and I've got a cough and then he just writes me a prescription or gives me A cough drop, but he doesn't check anything else. What if I've got pneumonia? What if I've got something worse? That's malpractice just to Prescribe something without going deeper, salespeople need to do the same thing. You can also practice that outside of your calls. I remember one time I, uh, I was on date night with my wife and I was like, I'm just going to practice, um, brevity. And I want, I want my, I want my wife to be talking the entire time. I'm just going to practice handing over the microphone and the entire date night. She's telling me about something. And I'm like, Oh, tell me more. Like. Why did that happen? Or that's crazy. Why do you think she did that or whatever? And I probably said three sentences, the entire dinner. Wow. But she, afterwards, she was like, that was like one of the best di date nights we've ever had. It's like I said, meeting wish she did. More often you're thinking, oh, okay, . Yeah. It's like I barely said anything, but to her was Oh, the irony. Oh, the irony. Yeah. And we, the, the same thing happens with, there's some of the best calls I've ever had. If you look at the percentage of talking points or whatever, it's like mine was like 20%, theirs was 80%. But they feel like I Deli, they felt like I put out. They felt like I delivered. Those are the things, again, you can practice. That's why I love, that's why I love sales and sales training is because you can get the reps. To be able to get better, increase your skillset, make more money in sales, even by the things you practice outside of calls. So regardless of what the time that you need to know what your deficit is, so you know what to work on. Otherwise we just work on things randomly. And then you still don't have the results you want, but these are things that you can practice outside of sales calls as well. And it just condenses the timeline for you getting what you want. Damn dude, that's the one to take home guys. It's so simple, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But often, you know, You can't confuse sophistication with simplicity. They often are the same. So, um, let's land on that one. That was a good one. So guys, like as recap here. Put this in your pocket, apply it today, start embracing the sales conversation techniques, the tonalities, uh, into your everyday conversations. And that's going to give you more reps. That is, that's right downer. That's a writer downer. Take home whatever you want to call it. Um, yeah. Love that bro. Love that. The last, the last thing, if you're okay, if I add one more, one last thing to it, when, when we, when you find your deficit and you start practicing on it and you're practicing outside of calls or whatever, you got to remember this isn't a microwave process. It's not like a, Oh, I just need to use more tonality. And even though I historically haven't had any, and it's like, Oh, it's perfect. Like you have to be okay with crashing the bike when you're getting on it for the first time. When I was learning to ride a bike, I wrecked that thing. Every other, well, Why don't we see the same process when we're learning to develop a skill set? So when you're practicing these things like be okay with. You fumbling the bag a little bit. Be okay with it being sloppy. Be okay with you trying this out on date night and it's like, Oh, that didn't work. Well, that doesn't mean you should just give up. It just means you crashed the bike once you got to get back on it. That's what will actually develop and create the lift that you're looking for. You can't just give up after you just crashed the bike once. Does that make sense? Love that analogy. And I think a lot of people relate, right? Because like you said, it's, you know, you look back and go, well, that'd be dumb if I crashed the bike once ago. Oh, that doesn't work. Can't ride the bike now for the rest of my life. Come on, don't be dumb. Right? And yet we bring that type of stupidity into our adult business. I'd be like, well, that's sucked. That was really uncomfortable. She hated that and definitely not talking to her about that anymore. It's like, come on. Like you did that one time. Right? So That's what I, that's what I tell all the, all of the clients too on, on the sales clinics whenever, uh, whenever we're working on something is like, Hey, by the way, I want to review the call next week so we can see the progress. But just so you know, like, I'm not looking for perfection. I just want to see the effort. If I can, if I can see the effort on the call, then I know what else we need to chip away at. And then we'll, it'll be, it'll be better on the next one. And then it'll be better on the next one. And then soon. You don't even need me anymore. You know, I just all you have to do is just put forth the concerted effort That's 50 of the job right there Love that love that awesome, man. Well as always you you bring the heat dude. I appreciate your insights I know everybody here does as well guys. We'll be bringing peyton on again Don't worry But um, I would go back kind of save this one probably even pass this along to any of your team members Have them give it a listen and most importantly apply right because knowledge isn't power It's only potential power becomes powerful when you actually damn Use it like we just said, you know, uh, small keys, open big doors. And so you might want to apply these small keys and they'll transform your sales performance. Payton. Thank you, brother. I appreciate you. Thanks so much for everything that you invest into our clients every single week. I know it is by far one of the most attended popular. And most importantly, transformative calls that we do all week. Uh, I, I get comments all the time, man. So I don't know if you do, but just know that, uh, you have a whole bunch of fans over here in a chamber and launch kit, and they all appreciate what it is that you do every single week for us. I appreciate it, man. I love hearing that. Cool. Cool. Rock and roll guys. Join us on another episode of the wealthy consultant. Pass this episode along to somebody that needs it. There is somebody in your world, in your network, in your organization that needs to know how to sail better. This is a good one. Put this in their pocket, make them listen to it and let's get better together. Take care guys. See you on another episode. Cheers.