Some people are like, well, that's not God. That's not spiritual. There's a scientific explanation for you. You are so stupid who created the science. If you, if you have access to the algorithm, you're going to use the algorithm. And so let's tackle this from two, two points. You got this mountain and this mountain is your identity. Everything you feel comes from this. Everything you think comes from this. Everything you say comes from this. Every experience you have comes from this. Your identity is Apex is what creates everything in your world. What if you could build a business in the modern world as big or as small as you want, without having to compromise the things that were the most important to you in the very beginning, this is the wealthy consultant talks podcast with Taylor Welch and Mike Walker, and they share with you today, they're learning lessons from stories in their experiences over the past 10 years and share with you right here, right now, let's get into it. What is going on? My friends, Mike Walker here, excited to have you with me on another episode of the wealthy consultant podcast. I've got a great clip to share with you today. Uh, Taylor and I were jamming a while back on one of our Monday mindset calls that we do here at the wealthy consultant, uh, with some of our clients. And, um, we talked about, uh, A topic that is not often touched on, you know, and, and the title of this call was identity epigenetics and programming identity epigenetics and programming. Now, if you're not familiar with some of those terms, that's okay. We're going to dive in and we're going to get right over there. But here's what I want to kind of prime your brain with. You will never outperform your own mindset. What's going on between your ears will absolutely dictate the heights. Or the lack thereof of your performance. And so it all stems from identity. You know, we all aspire to do great things, but we will always fall down to our baseline standards. Your baseline standards are defined by your own internal identity. They are the barometer. They are the magnet that draws in the thought patterns, the habits, and ultimately the results that you get inside of your life, inside of your business. It stems from identity. Now where does this identity come from? That my friends exactly what we're gonna be talking about in this episode. So dive in join us. This was a great clip I had to share it with you guys. You're gonna love it. Picture your picture your identity picture like a mountain and this is true we're gonna attack this from a Spiritual point and we're gonna attack it from a classical point by classical means scientific Yeah, I'm in Nashville and everyone in Nashville is an ear player. Like they don't even want to read the music I'm an ear player. If you play it for me, I have the muscle memory that I know what to do with my hands to replicate the sound coming into my ears. That's the ear player. You've got your classical is the classical their chart readers like Alex Herndon, who's a partner in T. W. C. I was at his house the other day. He's got this 12 page chart on it was like, you play piano. He's like, I'm pretty rusty. It's like, let me hear you play piano. So he sat on, like, played it from reading the chart perfectly. I was like, bro, I would like to be rusty rusty. Like, you got to be rusty. Alex, this is, but he's a different musician. He's a, he's a chart. He's a classically trained musician. He's a chart reader in, in the, in the mind. You have the same things. You have people who are so smart, like Eli wild comes to mind. Eli knows everything about every, every, every single thing. He's a genius and he's got to memorize. And William lamb is another really great classically trained, but you got me and I'm kind of just like an ear player. So I know the spirit. I don't always know the mind. And so I go through science to try to back up what I'm sensing in spirit. Yeah. And what's shocking to me is that the science always supports. And so, um, to me, it's not an issue of God versus science. It's science validates the existence of God and God uses science. And so the two are the same thing. It's just the flip side of a coin. Um, it'd be the equivalent of, of you take a really, a world class media buyer. Somebody who's great at. By media and running ads and some idiot comes over. He's like, well, that's not you. That's the algorithm. That's Facebook. Yeah, dumbass. You got to read face. You got to read the data to run Facebook. It's the same with God and science. Some people are like, well, that's not God. That's not spiritual. There's a scientific explanation for you. You are so stupid who created the science. If you, if you have access to the algorithm, you're going to use the algorithm because you, you built the algorithm. Yeah. Does it make sense? This is the same thing. It's all of the same. And so let's tackle this from two, two points. You got this mountain and this mountain is your identity. Everything you feel comes from this. Everything you think comes from this. Everything you say comes from this. Every experience you have comes from this. Your identity is, is. Apex is what creates everything in your world, but underneath this mountain, you have the soil and the infrastructure and everything underneath the grounds. And so we're going to take this from the bottom to the top. And then, as we go from the bottom to the top, I'm going to teach you how to use it so that you can change the trajectory of your business. It does not matter how many leads I give you. If your identity is incorrect, you'll burn the leads. It doesn't matter how much money I give you. If your identity is faulty, you will waste the money. It doesn't matter what your circumstances are. If you are not the right human, then your circumstances will contort and twist to match a dysfunctional identity. Make sense? Yes. All right. So underneath, underneath the mountain, we have, we have two main factors at play. We have epigenetics on one side and we have programming on the other side. Have you ever heard this, um, debate nature versus nurture? Yeah. All right. Well, people are like, well, which is it? Nature versus nurture. I don't know, homie, which is more important drinking or breathing. Pick one. Yeah, you can't pick one. You got to have both. If you don't have both, you just dead. This is nature versus nurture. But what we really have is nature is the epigenetics nurtures the programming. So, believe it or not, there are things inside of you emotions. I'm not talking about DNA. I'm talking about, I'm talking about emotions and feelings that you have that were placed into you from generations long ago. It goes like this. Your great, great, great, great grandmother one day was outside doing whatever she did and news comes back that her husband died on a trip on a trading trip. We'll see you Cinderella. Okay. The, the man went away to trade, lost his life while trading, never came back. And what is she doing when she hears the news? She is. Preparing vegetables for dinner, leafy green vegetables, or as the lettuce or some cabbage or whatever the hell people eat is healthy for you and her body accidentally ties two things together, extreme emotional pain and leafy green vegetables make sense in the DNA of this woman, a connection has been made that is dysfunctional and faulty. It don't make sense that leafy green vegetables create extreme emotional displeasure or discomfort, but the body is only rewarded for keeping the bloodline alive. The bloodline designs itself to keep the future bloodline alive. This is evolution at a macro sense. And so we pass, we pass immunity to our kids. We pass signals in code to our kids. And so what this woman does, she gets remarried. She has another child and that child. Is now extremely Allergic to what leafy greens, baby, they can't handle it. They start breaking out in hives because the body accidentally has married two objects together. This should not have been married. And this thing skips epigenetics are not guaranteed to show up in the next generation. They just show up in the DNA pathways. And so let's say that the daughter is fine. She gets herself handled and she overcomes. She. She's in the 1800s and they have therapy and she fixes it and she goes back out and she's farming and she's just eating cabbage and it's fine. Then she has a kid that kid has another kid that kid is another kid and all of a sudden, for whatever reason, that signal shows back up again. And now this kid is allergic to leafy green vegetables. Allergies come from this, disease comes from this, and emotions come from this. It tracks you and it follows you along. Now, it's not tracking you to hurt you. What's it trying to do? Keep you alive. That's all it matters. That's all it cares about. It knows at some point in the genetic code, it was programmed with a message that when you have experience with a leafy green vegetable, I don't know why we picked this example. It's so stupid. But when you have, when you have exposure to a vegetable, people die. And so in an effort to keep you from eating, That's leafy green vegetable, your body will begin to get sick to try to get you to stop eating what you're eating. Okay. Now, here's another example. Are you guys good with this? Can we keep going tracking? All right. Here's another example. Um, husband and wife, the husband takes out a lot of loans. Build a business and the business finally has an extreme breakthrough and economically, they are transported from the level of poverty to the level of extreme abundance. Okay, then their kid gets married moves far away, and they experience the loss of losing someone that they cared about. Now, what are they allergic to? Yeah, abundance, they're associating that to loss now. It doesn't happen every time. And this is what makes it so confusing. But now generations go by, and you are allergic, literally, to having more than enough. You're allergic to it. Because there's a code written in your DNA that tells you, if you experience abundance, you will lose something else important to you. This is epigenetics. Now, the other side of this base underneath the mountain is your programming. And kids, when they are young, they are easily programmed. How many of you grew up in a house and I'm not, this is a lot, a lot of us have good parents. A lot of us have bad parents. A lot of us have good parents who did the best they could, but they did bad things. It has nothing to do with your parents. How many of you were raised in an environment where when you, when you would cry, your parent would be like, you stop crying or I'm going to give you something to cry about. I'm sure you, yeah, I mean like, pull yourself together and act like an adult. Adults don't cry over spilled milk. And then we get to the age of adulthood and we were programs to suppress emotions because we were told that to be an adult. You did not express emotions. And so now these suppressed emotions, they don't just leave. They have to survive and an emotion will never leave your body until you process it. You can never process it until you express it. If you don't express it, you don't process it. If you don't process it, it doesn't leave. It just follows you around. And so now we have a generation of people who they haven't cried in 10 years. They can't show emotions. And these emotions are begging to be processed. And so what it shows up as is eventually what happens if you just take a bottle of water and you just pump water into that bottle over and over and over and over but the lid won't come off. What happens to that bottle of water? Yeah, it explodes. It's going to explode. It's going to freaking explode everywhere. And so we have all of these emotions that are stuck in our bodies and we can't process them. We were told not to process it. And then one thing happens is this, it's the stick that breaks the camel's back. And also you have anger issues explode. You explode. You're like, what the hell is the matter with you? What, what happened to you? You don't, well, your emotion had the, it was stuck in a container for so long that in order to leave, it had to It had to get out of its container. So we have programming and epigenetics. Okay, let's go a layer up. Can we keep going? Let's do this. When you go to the layer on top of this, this is the base of the mountain. We have this giant base and this is probably 50 percent 40 to 50 percent of the base of the mountain is and it's built off of off of your epigenetics and your programming. And someone asked earlier, how do you break this, this, this, um, This pattern, the only way to program, reprogram epigenetics is you express and process them and then you reprogram as they're coming out. And so we can get to that in a little bit. But the level above is the level of your expectations. Expectations. What do you expect? Expectations are the base because expectations are the, how do I say this, the most non complicated, non classical way. They are the, um, they are the easiest way to identify the symptoms of your programming in epigenetics. So, when you have, when you have an expectation, has anybody heard of this phrase, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to Drop. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Your expectations have now been classically trained. Based on your programming that whatever happened to you in the past is likely going to happen to you in the future and therefore when things are too good, you start expecting a correction is your expectations. But expectations become a really big deal because the layer above your expectations is the layer of your perspectives. If you're writing anything down and you have like expectations, perspectives, perspectives, next to perspectives, you just need to write this phrase, this word, um, uh, meaning, meaning your perspectives give like meaning. There are, um, countless stories of this where, uh, and this is where belief architecture, we go to the next layer of this. If you want to know how to change the meaning of your, of your life, you need to go through belief architecture because it will teach you how to control your perspectives. But picture this, does anybody, does anybody on this call, uh, barring myself, have eyesight that is not perfect? You need glasses or contacts. Leo, you got glasses? No, it is perfect. Whatever, dude, like you're perfect too. Great. I'm sorry, dude. So I need glasses or contacts Contact lenses. I was gifted from an early age with my mom's eyesight. Wish I got my dad's but I got my mom's and When your eyesight is inferior you have to put a lens in front of your eyes because when your eyes are processing the light that is coming in to your Optics It can't process the light correctly. And so the lens is required to contort the light so that you can actually reverse process it. And create a clear picture of what's going on around you. Okay, make sense. Yep. So your perspective is the lens that the data is coming through and the data is going to be. Contorted to match the perspectives, but what is it trying to match? Mm-hmm . That's a really good analogy. This is a question we have to answer because if we don't know, so it's really easy with eyes. What are, what are, what, what are we trying to match? We're trying to match 2020 vision, so we're, we're twisting the way the light comes in so that the way that we, our optical, uh, neurons process everything we're, we're twisting it so that they can match a perfect 2020 picture, but with the mountain of identity. Your top layers, your circumstances, they're feeding through the lens of your perspective, and it's contorting the circumstance to match your expectation. That's what it's all about. So our, our perspectives are custom coded from the ground up. To say, look, it does not matter what's going on in Mike's life, or Lael's life, or Beasle's life, or Nancy's life. It doesn't matter. Nobody cares. What matters is we need this circumstance to match the expectation, and therefore we need a lens that can contort it correctly. Now, contort is not a bad word. Contort is just a word. It's, contort means to change, and to twist, and to subdue. So, when you have a great expectation built on the right programming, You can go through a series of bad situations and your lens will just go convert, convert, convert, convert, convert, convert, and all of a sudden these painful circumstances, they will actually feed you rather than starving you. So if my job is to get a group of people to win in life, then. The easiest, fastest way for me to do that is to actually change their expectations. Because if I change their expectations, then the lens of their perspectives will adjust automatically. So that the circumstances are converted to power, rather than coming through as pain. You with me? Tracking. Okay. So, how do we change expectations? Well, we could go deep into it. We could change, we could change the, the programming. We could, we could go through lengthy experiments to change the, the epigenetics. There are doctors that go through and they actually work on this full time. I have a kinesiologist that I visited a few times. My daughter goes to this person. My wife has gone through like full blown kinesiology treatment. But the easiest way, if we're going to change the expectations, is to use a backdoor into human psychology that was created from evolution. And this backdoor is called mirror neurons, mirror neurons. And if you want to go way, way deeper on this, then maybe I can connect you. If you're in Nashville, I connect you with this doctor and you can go see her and she'll do full stuff on you. But the mirror neurons works like this. I have a one and a half year old and if you go up to my one and a half year old and you do your eyebrows like this, then he'll look at you and he'll kind of he's like trying to do it. He doesn't know how to do it. He's trying to figure it out. You know, he's like feeling it out. If you go up and you're like this, then he'll look at you and his hands go up and he starts mirroring you. This is how babies learn. If you want to it. If you want to really master life, you become like a child. It all is all backwards. And so the, the, the, the mirroring effect is the easiest way to change the expectations you have at a base level. When you get into a room and everyone is, is talking about. The way that they expect their life to go and the excitement and enthusiasm they have for their life and for their business and for their kids and for their friends and for their family and you start inundating yourself in that climate, that environment, you have no choice internally, but to defect and leave or to adjust in mirror. This is it. You can leave or you can mirror. There is no such thing as static. Doesn't exist. The body, the brain, everything works in tandem and you cannot sit in an environment and not be changed by it. You have to leave the environment. Yep. Okay. So this is the easiest way. Get yourself into an environment, get yourself into a group of people like TWC and chamber and all this stuff. Like we've got these little micro pockets that hop up and they'll do calls. Like we have like women, women of chamber calls and the guys don't do that. They, they're too reclusive to do that. But you've got these pockets of people. It's like, you've got young kids and you're building a business. I want to be, I'm going to be around you. Because the automatic processing that happens is like, you're like me, I'm like you, let's win together. And so this is the healthiest, easiest, fastest, most likely way to change your bedrock expectations. You can also unwind this, and we don't have time to get into it today. I want to do like maybe a couple of questions, um, and then wrap up. But the key, the key here. Is to change the food that you eat and your body will change as a product, change the consumption habits and you change the way your body develops, change the energy you feed on and your expectations will match whatever other people have going on in the room. All right.