What is going on? My friends Mike Walker here. Welcome to another episode of the Wealthy Consultant Podcast. Thanks for joining me today. Hey, I want to dig in with you, um, and I'm gonna start with a question. I'm going to start with a question. Have you ever, um, thought to yourself, man, if only I knew then what I know now, you know, how much further would I be? Have you ever experienced that? I know I have, you know, I look back at some of the decisions I made in my first businesses years and years ago. And I thought I look back now just going like, oh my God, like if only I knew now what I or been what I know now, right? Like God, I would have done so many different things, right? Well, hey, look, number one, that's just called being human. That's just called growing up as an entrepreneur for sure. But, um, one of the biggest mistakes I see business owners make is not so much in their decision making. It's the speed at which they come to those decisions. They often will sit and mull over things for long periods of time or think very kind of in binary terms. Okay, should I go left or right? Should I do A or B? And the reality is that, um, either is better than being in the middle. You know, so many are sitting at the intersection and they're scared to move because they don't want to mess up when in reality, There's going to be hardships, you know, roadblocks and, and all the hurdles either way, whether you go left or right, or you take a or B, there's good and bad. There's not wrong or right. There's better or not as good, but there are certainly not failures. You know, maybe you've even heard this like fail forward faster. Cool. I mean, I like the premise for sure. I get it, but I would like us to take that one step further and just eliminate the word fail. It's not failure. It's testing. It's not failure. It's testing. Oh, wow. That didn't go the way I'd want. All right. Next. Boom. Move on to the next one. Right? No, I'm not suggesting these launch yourself off the cliff and, and just radically think that I'm just gonna start breaking shit and figure it out as I go. But there is a little bit of taste in that. I will be honest. Some of the most wealthiest, influential, impactful, um, most successful, both monetarily and in life in general are people that have been a little bit more just I'll figure it out as I go. Um, I will admit I am like I am a processor. I am the type of person that will sit there and go, Okay, I'm going to get it right the very first time, right? There are some pros and cons to that to be sure. But what I want to present to you today, my friends, is the idea that, hey, you know what, as you become better as an entrepreneur, as you gain more and more experience, trust that gut and trust that you will figure it out as you go. Because the reality is that, you know, it's kind of driving down that that street. When in a dense fog, those lights of yours, those high beams are only going to shine so far. You're only ever going to see so much through that fog, but as a driver, someone that's driven in the fog before you realize that, you know what, once I get another, you know, a hundred yards or 200 yards down the road, I'm going to see the next hundred or 200 yards, right? You trust that sequence of knowledge that's coming out at you. So you don't have to see all the way down a mile ahead. You know, that for every couple of hundred yards, you're going to see just what you need to see in the immediate. To get you to the next step. But what I want to introduce you to today is actually something I'm extracting from a book. I've written called the systems thinking visionary of it drops this year. I'm really excited about it. It's just now in its earliest stages of editing and then, you know, the cover design all the cool stuff. I'm really excited about you'll hear more about it. Don't worry. I'll get you the links and all the things later. But, uh, one of the ideas that I pulled in from this book and I want to share with you today is called, uh, quantum decision making, and this is, uh, extracted from quantum computing. This is something that's very much the cutting edge of of all things. Kind of, uh, computer generation because What is basically doing is if you know anything about, you know, computers and how they work, they essentially work in bits, right? You have a kind of like a or B. That's very binary zeros and ones. And essentially what happens and I won't go deep on this, but it's it just thinks in like yes or no's. Black or white, zero or one. It's binary, right? And so you have these bits that essentially switch on, off, on, off, on, off. And in order for it to test something, it basically goes through every sequence of possibilities until it finally finds the answer. So if you can imagine a maze, we're just trying to get from one side to the other side. Well, it's going to try every single route until it finally learns its way to get to the other side. So now if it's a simple maze and obviously it's going to do it in a matter of like nanoseconds, but if it's a very complex maze, it could take days for that computer to understand and learn all the different variables that are at play there to get to the other side. That's traditional computing. Quantum computing is a whole nother animal. It literally will look at that same maze and. Look at all of the different ways at once it's trippy stuff. You should look into Google quantum computing and dive down that rabbit hole. If you want to, obviously, we're not going to take the time to do that here. But the premise is that this, it figured out how to get from point A to point Z in just radically faster. I mean, I'm talking to the equivalent of if a traditional computer safe would take, okay, it's going to take, uh, you know, literally a trillion years to go from one to the other. A quantum computer could do it in a matter of minutes. That's the scale at which I'm talking about. The progression that we are seeing over the coming years in computing is radical stuff. It's going to change everybody's life in a whole lot of ways. It's really, really exciting stuff. We don't have quantum computers necessarily yet. Certainly not the public level for all of us to access, but we do have the ability to access this computer. Between our ears. All right. And this computer is able to use quantum physics. This isn't just some pseudoscience stuff. I'm talking about legit science. I want you to start processing decision making through multiple variables at once or multiple outcomes at once. And this will really speed up your ability. Instead of you thinking like left or right, A or B, black or white binary, I want you to start thinking in multiple different outcomes at the same time. It'll allow you to process the potential outcomes faster. Number one. But two, you will notice a quantum connection between your decision making processes, and you'll actually be able to identify trends or even a ripple effect that will happen from different decisions, because here's the thing, typically, it's not the initial decision that makes the biggest impact. It's actually the second, third or fourth order of consequence. And a lot of times people haven't looked that far to realize Oh, wow. Now that I know what I know now, maybe I shouldn't have made this decision because it's caused all these downstream effects. Right. And that's where getting better as an entrepreneur, like, you know, what used to take you six months to do in terms of maybe launching a new offer or taking something from, you know, zero to 100, 000 or whatever it is, you know, whatever the, the, the journey is, it might take you say six months when you first started now. But what happens after you've been in the game for like five, 10 years, right? Yeah. You can probably do it in a matter of a week or maybe even an afternoon. Why? Well, it's because you've already gone through that same sequence of decision making so many times you have. Already traverse all the different options so many times that now you are operating like a quantum computer. You're like, Oh, I see all the variables at once now, and I'm able to route myself through to the, to the end goal much, much faster because I am looking at it through quantum mechanics. I'm looking at all the variables at once, not just a binary. Oh, let's try this. Oh, no, that didn't work. Let me try a different way. Oh, no, that didn't work. See what I'm saying? So it is experience. You can learn this through experience. But you can also forward focus this and, and treat it like in your today decision making through the fog, you can actually use this now today, even though you don't necessarily maybe have experience. Okay, well, now that I'm at the 100, 000 a month mark, we got to get to the million that there's a 10 X jump there. I've never done that before. What am I going to do? Well, you could spend the next five years like routing yourself through one variable of time, right? And just trial and error it, which is just painful and expensive. You could assign yourself or link arms with a mentor who's already been there and done that. That's one of the best ways because now you are essentially plugging in their brain into your experience and therefore sidestepping all the different, you know, trials and tribulations that they incurred right to get to the end results. So now that speeds you up and or you can use this quantum decision making process. So let me give you just four quick things to think through and how to like process this. Actually, there's five, but the four main ones are this. Number one, write down your current big decision. So what is it? Well, I I've got to figure out how we're going to launch this new thing, or we've got to move offices to another country, whatever you decide, right? It could be anything under the sun. So number one, write down your current big decision. Number two, force yourself to imagine four radically different outcomes. Not like, oh, it might do this or it might. No, I'm talking like radically different way outside the box, because Remember, this is quantum. You don't have to go that route, but we need to just explore a very holistic, very broad macro view of all the different ways that this thing could go down. All right. So number two, force yourself to imagine for radically different ways forward. Number three for each of those options. Ask if we did this, what else would change in our business? If we did this, what else would change? So now we're starting to look at the second and third order consequences. This is where the kind of quantum analogy I'm talking about. Instead of thinking like, oh, it's just 1 to 0 or 0 to 1. It's now going, okay, we're going to look at 1, 2 and 3 all at the same time per each of these radical different decisions. So now you can kind of see this, the tree effect or the root effect that's starting to happen, right? Number four, look for patterns and connections between the scenarios. This is the powerful part when you have four radically different outcomes. And then with each of those four different radical outcomes, you have two to three downstream effects of each of those outcomes. Now you can start to look for any commonalities between those downstream events and you might realize, wow, even despite having three radical different outcomes, the downstream effect of all three of those are A, B and C or just this one or just this thing, right? Or this person or this result, whatever it might be now, what happens? You start to realize, wow, of all the different outcomes we keep coming up with this one thing, this one thing keeps showing up that could be a good, like a positive. Progressive thing forward, or it could be a negative like detractor. Wow. We really need to be careful that we don't want that thing to happen. Right? So either way, you are looking at extremely more quantum approach to decision making instead of, you know, at again, the analogy of a intersection where you're like, okay, I'm going to go left. All right. I don't know where to do. I'm stuck. This changes your decision making processes exponentially, like it will really, really speed you up. All right. And then lastly, number five, pay attention to your team's reactions when you talk about these different outcomes, because their energy will often reveal insights that maybe you weren't aware of. This is where being a leader can really Okay. Uh, take you to the next level when you're not just, you're not just looking for direct feedback from what they say, but just watch their energy. When you start talking about these four radically different outcomes, what do you get back? Obviously, you're the visionary, typically speaking, if you're the one thinking through this type of stuff at this level. But what I want you to consider is what don't I know or what don't I see on the daily basis that maybe my frontline team does, or maybe my client services team does, or maybe the people in marketing, they know or experience something today that. One of these radical different outcomes would either extremely benefit or potentially be a real problem in their world, right? So now what you're doing is you're bringing all these four radical different outcomes with the three to four different downstream effects. You're looking for commonalities, and then you're bringing these to your team, and then you're testing that against their experience. See what we're doing? We're like magnifying the magnifying again, the magnifying again, the magnifying again, because now we're tapping these four radical different outcomes into their brains. And then you're kind of assessing, wow, look at all the different outcomes are different things that are coming out of it. So now you are not just looking at decision from what should we go left or right? You're looking at it through so many different orders of consequences and variables that you will get downstream number one faster. Because you won't have to go turn around and go back the wrong, you know, Oh, that didn't work. Turn around, head back. We got to start over, right? You'll avoid a lot of that kind of trial and error process, but also you will be making decisions at the next order of clarity again, kind of going back to what I said at the original, you know, at the beginning here, which is like, Oh man, I look back now. And if only I knew then what I know now, well, what's the difference about that? Yeah. The difference is that you've had five or 10 years of learning experience, trial, error, blood, sweat, and tears, and the whole thing, right, to then get you to the point that you could say that, oh, man, if only I'd known that, well, now you do, you have a process for being able to create that today. You don't have to wait five years or 10 years to look back and go look at all these different considerations and look at all these different variables that I understand now. We can, we can do that today simply by running it through this quantum decision making process and then analyzing it against the other people that would be involved, using it in their brains, right? It's really, really powerful. Kind of revisit this one. I know we're kind of like tapping into something that you might not be that familiar with doing, but if it sounds complex, Watch or listen back to this again, just even a couple times and then just try it on something specific like pick again, one big thing that you're, you're trying to kind of mull on your, you're definitely a decision point, run it through this filter and watch what happens. I know you'll be glad you did. It will definitely be a game changer in how you do your decision making. All right, let me know what you think in the comments. If you have anywhere to drop us a line, I'd love to know what you think about this because it will definitely change your processes for making decisions. All right. We'll see you on another episode of the wealthy consultant podcast. Take care guys.