When I first started my business, I had access to no one to learn from.
My entire suite of relationships worked at churches (like I used to), and none of them knew how to grow a business.
So I learned by reading. And eventually, I found people on the internet who had done what I wanted to do. Then I paid them tens of thousands of dollars to cut down my learning curve. Now that I’ve done it successfully many times, it’s important to me to pass along information to help you learn what you need to learn to grow what you’re trying to grow.
We’re all in different industries, doing slightly different things, but our direction is the same. The direction is: FORWARD. Progress. Daily improvement & excellence.
I bring my entire team to these events, so you can see how our organizations run and operate. We record them and distribute them to our highest level mastermind community (Chamber). But at the start of 2023, we wanted to make these even more “accessible” and powerful.