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The Real Challenge of Growth – Retention

What if I told you that when it comes to scaling businesses, getting clients is NOT the hard part. The real challenge? Keeping them around. 

And we’re not talking about locking people into contracts or dangling shiny new features in front of them every month. No, the secret sauce to retention lies in something deeper: community.

When you build a community that your clients want to be a part of—where they feel heard, supported, and connected—you’re creating an environment where leaving isn’t even an option. 

Why would they? 

They’re getting value, support, and growth in ways that go beyond just your service.

A solid client culture is like the unspoken contract that keeps people engaged and willing to pay, long after the initial excitement of signing up has faded. It’s the glue that makes clients not just stick, but thrive. And if you can master this, you’ve essentially built a business that feeds itself (cue fewer sleepless nights and more “I’ve got this” moments).

Sure, all of that sounds amazing. But, how do you create a community that’s so irresistible your clients never want to leave? Let’s dive into four keys to crafting a “sticky” client culture that keeps them coming back for more.

Clear Communication & Common Values

There’s a reason that the words “community” and “communication” share the same latin root word – “communis,” which means to make something common or shared.

Clear communication is at the very heart of what makes a community tick. 

This isn’t just about sharing updates or checking in periodically—it’s about establishing a dialogue where clients feel aligned with your vision and values. When clients know that they’re not just a transaction, but a valued part of a bigger mission, they’re more likely to stick around.

Creating common values that everyone in your community can rally around—whether it’s growth, integrity, balance, family, or excellence—helps foster a sense of belonging. Remember, people want to be part of something bigger than themselves, and your community should give them a reason to invest emotionally. 

The weekly coaching calls for Chamber (our premier program for business owners who are scaling) are a tapestry of tactical advice, mind work, and emotional reprogramming. We create space for the members of our client community to be vulnerable (when it’s needed) and to feel safe to share… because they recognize that everyone else on the call actually understands them.

When everyone in your community shares similar goals and values, it becomes much easier to retain clients long-term. 

NOTE: Part of this actually has more to do with who you enroll (and who you say no to) as part of your sales process. After all, selling to the wrong people is a death sentence—building a community with the right people starts with “guarding the gate.”

“Build It FOR THEM” With VOC

Potentially uncomfortable question incoming…

How many clients do you lose because you just don’t LISTEN?

If you want your clients to become borderline obsessed with you and what you do, you’ve got to understand what they need—and the best way to do that is by listening.

This is where the “Voice of the Customer” (VOC) comes in. VOC is all about collecting direct feedback from your clients, whether through surveys, one-on-one conversations, or even monitoring what they say in your community chats.

This goes beyond just hearing complaints or compliments—it’s about gaining insights into their deeper desires, challenges, and motivations. When you listen to your clients’ feedback, you can tailor your programs and services to better fit their needs. Even more powerful, it shows clients that their input matters, which deepens their connection to your brand.

For example:

  • Are your clients feeling overwhelmed with the amount of content?
  • Do they want more live sessions?
  • Are they craving more accountability from you or their peers?

Use this feedback to tweak your offerings and enhance the overall client experience. By listening and responding to their needs, you’ll build a culture of trust and loyalty that keeps clients around for the long term.

To dive deeper into how client feedback can shape your business model, check out this guide on delivering an unforgettable client experience.

The Town Square

Building community isn’t just about what you offer—it’s about the relationships clients form with each other. When your clients feel connected to one another, the community takes on a life of its own, and that’s when the magic really happens.

Here’s our biggest piece of advice: Push people toward the “town square.”

If you have a shared, community space (like a Circle group, Slack channel, Facebook group, Skool community, etc), encourage clients to share their wins there, post even their most difficult questions there, and provide feedback to questions and wins from others.

This creates a hive mind where everyone benefits from collective knowledge and experience. When clients see their peers progressing (or even struggling), it sparks inspiration and accountability. People are far more likely to stay engaged when they feel like they’re part of a team, not just a solo act.

Whether it’s through online forums, group coaching sessions, or in-person events, prioritize peer-to-peer interactions. You’ll quickly see how powerful community-driven success can be. After all, people tend to stay where they feel supported, valued, and understood.

(BONUS: Client engagement in the common spaces of your community is also a great way to track “where they’re at.” Often, when a client approaches us about potentially pausing their Chamber membership, or telling us that they aren’t getting enough out of the program, the VERY FIRST thing we look at is their client engagement score. And it nearly always gives us a pretty accurate picture of what’s wrong and how we can address.)

Reward and Recognize

Recognition is one of the most underrated tools for building client loyalty.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated, and a little recognition goes a long way in keeping clients engaged. Publicly acknowledging client achievements—whether it’s hitting a milestone, contributing valuable insights, or simply being an active participant in your community—gives them a reason to keep showing up.

Simple strategies like spotlighting a “Client of the Month,” sending out personalized thank-you notes, or giving small rewards for participation can transform a passive group into an engaged, thriving community.

It’s More Than Just a “Great Product”

uilding a strong client culture that makes people want to stay is about more than just delivering a great product—it’s about fostering relationships, listening to feedback, creating opportunities for connection, and recognizing your clients’ efforts. When done right, a client community becomes a powerful engine that drives retention, referrals, and long-term success.

And here’s the kicker: A sticky client culture is the backbone of a business that feeds itself. By implementing these strategies, you’re not only creating a better experience for your clients—you’re setting yourself up for sustainable growth and higher profits.

Speaking of Profits…

Want to learn how to take this retention strategy to the next level? Our latest book, The Revolving Price Method, teaches you a unique pricing strategy that combines an upfront onboarding fee with recurring monthly dues, allowing clients to stay in your program as long as they want. If you’re ready to unlock a client retention system that feeds itself, grab your copy now!

Grab Your Book Now!

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